Freely Speaking Devotion

Jan 16, 2024    Shayla Bullock

“Noah did everything just as God commanded him” Genesis 6:22 (NIV).


Sometimes, life can move fast, leaving us without time to pause and reflect. We are into a new year, but can I ask you about the previous one: “Did you exit last year with any unfinished business?”


To be transparent, there were some assignments and projects that God called for me to do last year that are currently unfinished. My intention was obedience, but life happened. And I’m sure that life and unexpected events will continue next year. So, what will I do differently this year? As I reflected on this question, Noah came to my mind. You know, Noah, the man who built the giant boat by doing EVERYTHING just as God commanded him!


My goal is not to end this new year with unfinished business. I will do everything just as God commands me. Oh my, it makes me ecstatic even to think, at the end of this year, I can proclaim, “I did everything just as God commanded me.” I can’t imagine how mighty God will move when I do my part, just as Noah did his part.


I think, what if Noah would’ve procrastinated? What if he had good intentions to do what God commanded, but when life started to get crazy, he put the assignment of building the ark on the back burner? I’m so glad Noah didn’t procrastinate. I also wonder, what if Noah built the ark, kind of or almost like God instructed? I’m so happy he was completely obedient because anything less than complete obedience on the ark-building assignment would have wiped mankind from the earth.


I’m grateful for the simplicity of Genesis 6:22! This year, my goal is to do all that God commands me to do without procrastination or partial obedience. I will trust God to help me not end this new year with unfinished business.


Are you like me, having exited last year with unfinished business, unaccomplished tasks, or assignments partially completed? What steps can you take to ensure you leave this new year without unfinished business?