Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Angela Gray encourages us to share our testimony of Jesus’s goodness in our lives.
“We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so you may share in this life with us. And we share in it with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3 CEV).
As a child, I loved to listen to my grandpa talk about growing up in the Ozarks. His countenance would brighten as he reminisced about his home. Stories about his adventures playing hide and seek in the timber, being chased by snakes, and looking for outlaw hideouts captivated me.
Every word made me long to visit his childhood home and see it for myself. After years of seeing it through Grandpa’s eyes, I visited Hoot Owl Holler. I had already fallen in love with this sleepy little burg based on the memories Grandpa had shared.
The Apostle John was an eyewitness to the ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. “…The disciple whom Jesus loved…” John 21:20 (ESV) freely accepted the call of Jesus to be a witness to all he had heard and seen. Anointed by the Holy Spirit, he boldly shared the Gospel. John’s personal testimony influenced others to follow Jesus and still instructs and inspires us today.
As a follower of Christ, I, too, am called to share the Good News. Sometimes, it can be intimidating to step out. I don't always know what to say. But Jesus doesn't require me to be an eloquent orator. He has called me to be a witness. I’m reminded of how John said to share what I have personally seen and heard.
I’ve known the love of Jesus and found it to be greater. Greater than any sin. Greater than any fear. Greater than any hurt. Greater than any shame. In Him, there is freedom from the past and hope for the future.
Can you share what Jesus has done for you? Your testimony may be the encouragement someone needs today.
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