Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation. Today’s devotion was written by Andi Benson.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (Romans 8:28-29 NIV).
Have you ever reflected on your life from your first memories to where you are today? If you were to think about your life from a timeline perspective and list the significant events you experienced over the years, you would start to see how your life was shaped and uniquely designed. As Christians, if we believe that God is the orchestrator of our lives, then we can conclude that He has a purpose in all aspects of our lives and a calling for all that we do.
This idea can be best illustrated in parent/child relationships. As a child grows a parent has a front-row seat to their development and well-being. They can guide and direct their child through life's hurts and help to teach lessons along the way. Each instance and incident, good or bad, brings life lessons needed to grow and learn. The parent builds trust within the relationship and comes to know their child’s heart while seeing what is best for them as they grow.
Our relationship with our Heavenly Father is the same, except He knows and loves us even more than anyone else can. He not only walks with us through life experiences and guides us, He created us. He knows our innermost being. He controls all things and predestines our lives to shape us according to His calling. Who you are and your life path is not an accident but has a divine purpose. You are exactly who you are and where you are supposed to be to fulfill the will of God for your life.
The calling on our lives as Christians is not complicated. It is simply who we are. Amid our lives and among the people God has placed around us, we can serve His purpose. He has designed you to reflect Him in a way only you can.
What do you see in your life that God has done to make you unique? Where have you been called to reflect His love by just being who He made you to be?
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