Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Feb 19, 2025    Marge Webb

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation. 


Today’s devotion was written by Marge Webb.


Let’s begin with today’s scripture from Ephesians Chapter 4, Verse 32.


 “Be ye kind, one to another” (Ephesians 4:32 KJV).


My square-heeled shoes clacked on the sidewalk as I hurried to the door, toting my "More" casserole to present to my choir friend Cheryl, who had just birthed her first baby. 


The casserole was aptly named because you could add "a little more" hamburger, "a little more" corn, or "a little more" macaroni to taste. As I set the Pyrex dish on her counter, I gasped. I had forgotten to add salt and pepper! It would be bland and tasteless, but a "seasoned" cook like Cheryl would certainly know how to fix my glaring error. 


My casserole delivery was 40 years ago, and that small act of kindness has been repaid countless times. Over the years, my church friends and neighbors provided food when my son was born, generously gave funeral dinners, and brought meals after my husband's many hospital stays. Even last spring, they showered us with food and gift cards after my surgery.


As the verse in Ephesians encourages us, we need to be kind to each other. Acts of kindness come in many shapes and sizes. Friends and family surround me, and I can go to the mall, a sporting event, or a concert whenever I want, yet a greeting card is still a joy to receive in the mail. Think of what a card would mean to someone in a nursing home or who is widowed, living alone, and unable to drive. A phone call or a visit with a sweet treat would mean even more. 


The act of kindness may take minutes or hours. But even one hour out of your 168 hours this week could be a blessing to one or several people. I encourage you to think of someone who needs your attention this week. 


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