Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Jan 1, 2024    Darla Czeropski


Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation. Today’s devotion, Loving God with All My Heart, was written by Darla Czeropski.

Our scripture is found in Mark Chapter 12, verse 30: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" Mark 12:30 (NIV).

Do you struggle with New Year's resolutions and setting a Word for the Year? I hate New Year's resolutions and the “Word” thing! Can I get an “Amen?” Sticking to them is a chore, and the disappointment of not achieving them leaves me feeling less than good about myself. Honestly, my mind is on to something else after about a week. Please don't shame me.

In the past few years, I lost my parents to Alzheimer's, and breast cancer threw me into a spiral of anxiety. I’ve lived through a heart-breaking two-year estrangement from one of my children, and recently, my youngest daughter had a baby that my husband and I adopted. Did I mention we're 61 years of age? No wonder I can't focus on resolutions. My feelings are all over the place.

Yet, when I read Mark 12:30, I know I need to pause and look deeply into what God says about giving my feelings to Him. Do even my feelings need to be accountable to God? Yes! “Love God with all your heart” is a command to experience intimate moments with the Lord and lay our feelings at His feet. I must plan, set aside time, and allow the Lord to heal my hurt. Pausing is not easy for me. Yet, I need to set up accountability and plan to spend more quiet time with the Lord. I need to delight in Him, find true pleasure in Him, and give Him all my feelings.

In Psalm 37:4, "delight" means "to be soft or tender." Does your heart melt when you are with the Lord? Do you allow the tears to flow as you release your feelings to our Lord? Yes, it's okay to cry. I have found that when I let go and allow my tears to flow, I feel the Holy Spirit comforting me in my grief. 

So, yes! The best goal I can set for 2024 is to spend time daily sharing my heart with the Lord and allowing Him to pour out His soft and tender love on me. 

Please share in the comments how you might experience the Lord’s tenderness this season. 

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