Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Kristy Fitzgerald encourages us to love each other like family,
Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor;” (Romans 12:10 AMP).
The familiar saying, “A square peg in a round hole,” describes how I felt as a single parent. Sometimes it seemed I didn’t know where I fit in. Although I was single, I had the responsibility of raising a family. I laughingly referred to myself as being “half a couple.” Sometimes the hardest thing was the loneliness.
Fortunately for me and my children, we were part of a very loving and supportive church. There were several young couples who attended. They often invited me into their homes, out to eat after church on Sundays, and to special occasions. They made me feel like I was truly loved and valued. I didn’t feel like I was someone to be pitied.
The Apostle Paul starts Romans chapter 12 by describing a right relationship with God. He then goes on to describe how we in the body of Christ should be in relationships with each other. In our key verse, he encourages us to love each other with brotherly love and to honor one another. In other words, love each other like family!
I don’t know if those dear friends of mine will ever know how precious their friendship was to me, but I do. It gave me a sense of worth and dignity. Most importantly, it gave me the gift of belonging because they loved me like family.
Perhaps there is someone in your circle today who is feeling like they don’t fit in. They really don’t know where they belong. I encourage you, as the Holy Spirit leads you, to open yourself to them and love them as a brother or sister in Christ.
Sometimes including someone in your life is the greatest gift you can give.
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