Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Feb 5, 2025    Jessica Gerth

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today’s devotion was written by Jessica Gerth.


Let’s begin with today’s scripture from Colossians Chapter 3, Verse 12.


“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience” (Colossians 3:12 ESV).


Growing up, we had a widowed neighbor, and my mother would often load us up and drive to the home she shared with her son. We would take them grocery shopping, and Mom would help her pay bills and do other things around the house. 


I never liked going. Their house was dirty, and they lived very differently than we did. Her son made me uneasy and would often steal our crayons. But all these years later, I have never forgotten the living demonstration of Christ's love my mother offered to others. 


 It is evident throughout scripture how deeply Jesus valued his friendships. He never made anyone feel unimportant or unworthy of kindness. 


Colossians 3:12 is about looking beyond ourselves, being compassionate, and spreading kindness to those in our lives. A few verses ahead of this one in Colossians 3:5, believers are instructed to "put to death" our earthly and selfish desires. As followers of Christ, showing kindness to others should be instinctive. 


As "God's chosen ones," kindness is a powerful way to reflect the love of Jesus in our friendships. Being kind often requires sacrifice and, in reality, can sometimes feel inconvenient and even unappreciated. 

Just as Christ demonstrated throughout His life, our kindness should spring from a genuine place of love and is always worth what it costs. 


The very day I wrote this devotion, I received an unexpected package. It was a beautiful, embroidered blanket, and an ornament from a precious soul in our OHSOFREE group. She will never know that her gift and kind words were exactly what I needed during a pretty rough week. 


Today's verse reminds us that life's most meaningful acts of kindness are done quietly, with little fanfare, but will leave a lasting impression on those who receive them.


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