Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Feb 13, 2024    Shandyn Paul

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Shandyn Paul wrote today’s devotion based on the NIV translation of John 13:34-35:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


It’s February, and this month, we celebrate love. Valentine’s Day is an outward expression of affection to those we love, often celebrated with flowers, cards, and candy.

However, it was originally celebrated as the Feast of Saint Valentine on February fourteenth. There are differing opinions and stories about who he was, and perhaps there was more than one Saint Valentine. Nevertheless, he was known as a martyr: someone killed because of his religious beliefs. Saint Valentine was eventually beheaded due to his outward display of love and loyalty to God and His people.

In today’s key scripture, Jesus commanded us to love one another in the same way He loves us. Loving others isn't optional. It's one of God's greatest commands - love one another. When we love others, it's an outward display of God's love for us.

I don't always get this command right. I try. God knows I try. But even my trying often gets me nowhere. As I read Jesus' words, it causes me to pause.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I have a hard time simply loving myself.

Loving others feels easy. I'm quick to forgive, forget, and overlook offenses with others. And, when it comes to loving others, I can understand how essential it is. But loving myself feels hard. I know the deepest, darkest parts of myself, the parts no one else would like, let alone love. Yet, God still loves me, and I am called to love others.

I believe God's command to love includes loving ourselves, too. How can I effectively and authentically love others if I don’t offer that kind of love to myself?

St. Valentine gave an outward display of His love for God and others; we are called to do the same. Thankfully, chances are we will not be martyred for it today, but we will be recognized for it, if not here on Earth, most certainly in Heaven.

How can you show yourself love today? How can the love you extend to yourself be offered to others?

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