Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Mar 20, 2024    Marge Webb

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts

and trust God for transformation.

Today’s devotion was written by Marge Webb.

“He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3 KJV).

Our co-pastor texted a few months ago to share something she didn’t want me to read on Facebook. My dear friend, Deb, had died during the night. I was shocked. Yes, she had many health issues, but I had just seen her the Sunday before, and she was so vibrant, so full of life. Sometimes, death knocks at our door when we least expect it.

There are many seasons of grief in life, such as death, divorce, or separation, perhaps due to break-ups. This verse in Psalms certainly brings comfort because God heals broken hearts. When someone close to you dies or leaves, the emotions can give the sensation of a wounded spirit and a pounding in your chest that feels like your heart is breaking.

Since retirement ten years ago, I have frequently facilitated GriefShare classes. My friend, Deb, was my first student and taught the class herself for many semesters. The videos feature Christian psychologists, professors, and others who base their grief counseling on scripture. They offer much wise counseling, but one section both Deb and I liked was an instruction to lean into your grief.

Often, we withdraw and want to be left alone. Even Jesus withdrew after King Herod murdered His friend and cousin, John the Baptist. You can read that story in Matthew 14:1-13 (NIV). For a time, solitude is acceptable, but abandoning life too long can cause isolation and depression. When we face our grief through counseling or sharing with pastors, friends, family members, or spiritual mentors, the wounds begin to heal.

How about you? Are you grieving over someone you loved very dearly? I know some of our writers and readers have expressed losing very close relatives recently. Your OHSOFREE sisters would love to hear from you and pray for you today. Please share in the comments below.

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