Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Aug 27, 2024    Andi Benson

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today’s devotion was written by Andi Benson.


Our reference scripture is from Haggai 1:7 (NIV), “This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways."


People often ask each other, “How have you been?” For most of us, the standard response is “Busy.” Although that may be true, it is often just a blanket answer we give ourselves because we don’t have the time or maybe even don’t want to engage unless it’s superficial.


Busyness can become our excuse, reason, or answer for almost anything. In our focus verse, the Lord tells us to consider our ways and reflect on what we do. Are the things we are doing pleasing to God and serving His purposes? Could we be using busyness as an excuse to avoid what God has called us to do?


I am always busy…in life, at work, and even in my home. I struggle to make myself sit and be still. I often compare myself to Martha in the bible, the sister who is busily working and preparing everything during Jesus’ visit. All the while her sister sits at His feet and connects with Him, Martha focuses on doing things she thinks will please Jesus instead of spending time in His presence. Doesn’t that sound familiar to how we live our spiritual lives? 


I admit the introverted part of me often chooses to work and be “busy” over engaging with people. However, in doing that, I am isolating myself from God’s people, whom I am called to love and connect with. I often miss opportunities for deep conversations or bonds with those around me, possible divine appointments the Lord has planned specifically for me from which to gain His insight or blessings.


God wants us to spend the limited time we have wisely. Reflecting on how we “busy” ourselves and possibly why we are so busy should be a common practice. As the short verse from Haggai says, “Give careful thought to your ways”. This week, ask God to show you where you can eliminate busyness from your lives so that you are more available to connect with Him and others.


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