Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Aug 14, 2024    Sarah Goff

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today’s devotional was written by Sarah Goff.


Our scripture for today is found in Luke 10: 41-42 (NIV), “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."


In this scripture, sisters Mary and Martha hosted the Lord Jesus at their house for supper. Martha was busy preparing the food while Mary sat and listened to Jesus speak. Like many of us, when we have guests over for a meal, we are often busy working to ensure everything is done perfectly, but we are missing out on the most important part of the gathering, which is spending time with others. Martha thought that Mary should have been helping her get things ready, but Jesus knew what was truly important at the time. Have you ever been so busy that you do everything except take time out for our Lord? I am guilty of all the above.


I recently heard something that stuck with me. "You have time for what you choose to have time for." I know I stay busy watching television and looking at social media. Spending that time with the Savior would be much more productive and encouraging. It's not easy to change bad habits, but choosing to make a change is the place to start. We are just unrealistically too busy.

Think about the days before technology. The days we saw watching shows like The Andy Griffith Show were filled with sitting outside, listening to music, attending church, and having Sunday dinners. Slow and easy with the opportunity to breathe. Sometimes, I watch those old shows to take me back to when things were not so busy. Did you know that the word "busy" spells out "being under Satan's yoke"? That is such an accurate depiction of what our busy days look like in 2024.


It's challenging to slow down and say no to busyness, although Jesus is always right, and few things are needed—indeed, only one. Take a moment to reflect on your busyness and how it may affect your relationship with the Lord.


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