Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Oct 3, 2024    Sharon Gomez

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today, Sharon Gomez shares her favorite scripture from Ezekiel 36:26 NIV:

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

A few months ago, I rescued a feisty little puppy. Most days, the puppy and my older sweet dog get along great. Yet there are times when the older dog anticipates one of the puppy's "bully behaviors" and either quickly exits through the doggie door or warns him with baring teeth and a gentle growl.

I chuckle when I see these interactions, and the most recent encounter reminded me of the response I can sometimes have when I'm emotionally triggered.

Relational wounds run deep for me. In the past, I didn't respond well to conflict; unkind words came quickly, and isolation was my safe space.

Today's key scripture is one of my favorites because it promises that I am no longer who I once was. I no longer need to be afraid of responding the way I used to because my heart has been made new!

Can you relate to past hurts that flare up in current circumstances? If so, join me in rooting yourself in your “new heart.”

Having a heart of flesh reminds me to stop guarding myself with a stone wall. Being filled with the Holy Spirit gives me the understanding to allow others to make mistakes and prompts me to ask God to keep my heart soft.

It still doesn't take much for my tender heart to feel wounded. Any slight perceived form of rejection can trigger my emotional stone fortress, but intentional thinking can bring me right back to Jesus. 

We are all beautiful works in progress. When we accept Christ, we are given access to the Holy Spirit. Our hearts become new, forever intertwined with His unconditional love and grace.

Spend time reflecting on today's verse and inviting the Holy Spirit to soften your heart toward any area of your life that needs His intervention. 

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