Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

May 23, 2024    Kelsey Wickenhauser

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today’s devotion was written by Kelsey Wickenhauser.

Our scripture reading is, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22 NIV).

I’m supposed to have joy in all circumstances, but surely, the writers in the Bible did not understand my challenges this week.

This was the fourth time my kids were sick this year. Three young kids sprawled out on the couches as snotty tissues piled on the floor. I felt miserable and lacked the energy to clean up the piles or even care about the mess. All the while, toddlers whined, nobody wanted to eat what was in the fridge, and any hope of productivity this week was again shot.

Yet, I had a choice. I could sulk in my circumstances or choose joy to be our medicine in the thick of fevers and runny noses. Three sets of little eyes were on me as I put my heart on display. They were unknowingly waiting for my response, which would plant seeds in their little lives for how to handle the hard situations they would face in years to come.

So, we danced.

I let go of my expectations, task list, goals, and desire to be in control. We turned on the music. Yes, we danced.

Smirks turned into full-blown giggles as all three kids got off the couch and started shaking their booties to the rhythm of the bass. Our spirits connected in that moment. We all knew that the circumstances weren’t ideal, and we all wished we were well enough to explore beyond the four walls of our home.

We chose to create memories with a spirit of joy during the struggle.

God is gracious enough to always give us a choice. We do not have to choose to live with joy, but when we do, it is music to our souls. Choosing joy can take a difficult circumstance and pour medicine into our hearts.

Now it’s your turn. Will you choose to get off the couch and dance, trusting that God will restore your joy today?

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