Freely Speaking Audio Devotions
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Kate Dreston.
"Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh" (1 Peter 2:18 NKJV).
Stunned, I sat listening to my boss chastise me for a situation between another coworker and myself. It soon became apparent my coworker had lied about what happened to make herself look good, and I look bad.
I told my boss what really happened, but she didn't change her mind. I assumed she thought I was lying.
After the meeting, I returned to my desk and replayed the whole ordeal in my mind. The more I thought about being unjustly reprimanded for something I did not do, the more I wanted to react harshly. My natural reaction was to become angry and not speak to my coworker.
Life is not always fair. Often, the truth is concealed beneath lies that may never be revealed. Sometimes, your name is smeared, and there is no way to clear it completely. It's in these times our character must rise above injustice.
As the key verse states, we must practice self-control in response to those who are gentle and harsh. Have respect for those over us, even if they treat us wrongly. The story of Joseph teaches us how to endure this.
At one point in Joseph's story, he was sent to prison when his boss's wife lied and falsely accused him of attempted rape. Joseph lost his good name, job, and freedom. No one believed his innocence. He had done nothing to deserve what had been done to him, yet he did not curse God.
Joseph did not give up. He accepted his circumstances and continued to serve God to the best of his ability. God used the whole situation for His glory and eventually restored Joseph to a highly esteemed position serving Pharaoh.
Next time you are in a situation where you are being treated unjustly, use self-control. Do not plot revenge. Remember, God knows the truth. Even in such difficult circumstances, we can rest assured He is working for our good.
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