Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation. Today’s devotion was written by Tyla Yauk.
“And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15 NIV).
I was leaving a trip with my college roommates, and it hit me: a mission to write letters. “Letters to friends,” I would call it, and I would put together a big book of these letters. Unique pages of linen-type paper with little doodles in the corner, very eclectic. I would market the book as if you were my college roommate, my friend and I was writing to you sharing how much God loves you.
During that same time, I came across this passage in Romans 10:15, “how beautiful are the feet”. The imagery, (I love imagery), of that passage really struck me and made my mission more “real”.
With renewed confidence in my mission based on that phrase, and the scripture that preceded it, “...And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14 (NIV), I plunged into a quick trial run of my idea. I started writing the first letters to my friends and was even invited to give a speech and present my mission to a group of women at a lady’s brunch. I gave them writing utensils, a folder with paper, an envelope, and had them write letters to their friends. A mission was born. So simple, but effective.
Missions don’t have to be huge and grand. They can be things such as taking care of our kids or hugging all the young ones at church on a regular basis. Our calling should match what God already has prepared us for. Using the gifts, talents, and relationships we have around us, we can be called to a mission today.
What calling do you see when you look around at your environment? Is there a need? Is there a gap in learning, training, or love that you could fill? I encourage you to think about the talents and relationships you already have, apply Hebrews 10:15, pray and see what God would have you do. What a joy!
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