Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

May 16, 2024    Angela Gray

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today, Angela Gray shares her thoughts on joy.

“How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a strange land?” (Psalms 137:4 KJV).

This scripture paints a heartbreaking picture of the Jewish exiles. Captives in a strange land, their homes, families, and beloved Zion had all been destroyed. Sing? A song of joy? In the middle of utter desolation? No. The people known for their songs of joy and praise to YAHWEH hung up their harps and laid down their songs.

I love to sing and worship the LORD! I’m thankful I wake up with a scripture or a song in my heart most mornings. I often receive funny looks because I sing or hum while waiting in line at the store, bank, or post office. But I don’t mind. You see, that wasn’t always the case. There was a time when I allowed broken relationships and a wounded heart to steal my song. I had laid down my song of joy when I lost sight of the goodness of GOD.

I will never forget the precious reminder God sent me with the most beautiful song of joy I’ve ever heard. On a grade school playground, I saw a sweet little boy with Down Syndrome alone on the swing set. He didn’t seem to care that the other children were not including him in their games.

I was captivated as I watched and listened to him swing and sing with all his might. He belted out the words of the worship song, “Shout to the LORD.” With an expression of pure joy on his face, he sang his song to an audience of One. No, not me. He sang his song to the only One, the HOLY ONE.

How I envied this sweet songster! I ached to feel that same freedom and joy again. God restored my joy and song that day, just as He restored Israel’s joy and song. Their mouths were filled with laughter and singing as they returned to Zion. So was mine.

Have you ever forgotten GOD’s goodness and lost your song?

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