Freely Speaking Devotion

Jan 3, 2024    Laura Stewart

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” Joshua 1:8 (NLT).


If you are reading this devotion, I am grateful, but I’m not satisfied. It isn’t enough.


I recently learned that according to a PEW study, 45% of Christians seldom or never read their Bible. Only 35% read their Bible once or twice a week. These statistics make my heart hurt, but I also understand. According to Gallup, only 6% of people love to read, and reading The Bible can be challenging.


Sometimes, the way I look at reading the Bible seems wrong. Reading and knowing God’s Word isn’t a chore to check off my to-do list. It isn’t busy work given to me by a hard taskmaster. I don’t have to read the Bible to gain God’s favor or approval.


We read God’s Word to know Him better. It is how we align our hearts with His Heart. The Bible helps us see the way He sees. It changes us and helps us become more like Him.


Yes, sometimes reading the Bible is hard. Sometimes, the words make my head spin. Sometimes, the lists and rules seem to drag on and on. But I’ve learned that His words are alive and breathing. Over and over again, they tell me just what I need to know. They speak to me, and they challenge me. Looking back, I can see how I’ve grown and changed.


Taking the time to read a devotion on sites like OHSOFREE is a great start! I am so happy you are taking that step. I am challenging you not to be satisfied with my words because God has much more to offer you.


If reading the Bible is hard for you, I will list some of my favorite tools below. What is one of your goals this year to help you know Him better? Is reading your Bible one of them?