Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation. Today’s devotion was written by Marge Webb.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men. At once they left their nets and followed Him” (Mark 1:17-18 NIV).
Steven Curtis Chapman sang a song in the 1990s titled “For the Sake of the Call.” The lyrics say:
Nobody stood and applauded them so they knew from the start this road would not lead to fame.
All they really knew for sure was Jesus had called to them; He said “Come follow Me” and they came.
With reckless abandon, they came.
Empty nets lying there at the water’s edge told a story that few could believe, and none could explain.
How some crazy fishermen agreed to go where Jesus led with no thought for what they could gain.
For Jesus had called by name and they answered.
Jesus only had 12 main disciples and of those, five were fishermen. Does that seem a little strange to anyone but me? From a logical standpoint, it would have made sense for Jesus to add some scribes and Pharisees to his small group. They were the religious leaders of His day. They knew the scriptures and I’m sure they were much more theologically sound than Peter, James, and John. But Jesus knew their hearts, both the fishermen and the Pharisees.
You see Jesus doesn’t necessarily call us because of our shiny resumes or because we made the national honor society. He calls those who are willing to obey. These professional fishermen feeding their families and others were willing to leave their only source of income to follow. Peter even had a spouse he left behind for three years because Jesus called him.
How about you? The last verse of Matthew says, “go ‘ye’ into all the world and preach the gospel.” Ye is YOU! When Jesus calls, all you need is a willingness to drop your nets and follow. Then day-by-day He will equip you with what you require to accomplish your God-given purpose.
Most likely your calling is not full-time ministry. Perhaps God has called you to be a teacher, a truck driver, a doctor, a factory worker, or the greatest of all, a full-time mom.
Tell us what God is doing through you today.
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