Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Shandyn Paul shares her thoughts on joy.
“Let joy be your continual feast” (1 Thessalonians 5:16 TPT).
As my in-laws pulled out of the driveway and my husband moseyed upstairs, I found myself at the kitchen counter scarfing down chocolate cake like there was no tomorrow. I longed to be satisfied. I ate until it was nearly gone. Then, ashamed of what I'd done, I scraped the few remaining bites in the trash and washed the pan, erasing all evidence that I'd just devoured an entire cake.
Feasting was my forte, except I feasted on all the wrong things. Cake, pasta, cookies… you name it, I ate it. And it got me nowhere except lonely, overweight, and depressed.
Throughout the Old Testament, feasts were a time of celebration and remembrance of God’s goodness intended to draw us back to the heart of the Father. I had allowed this good thing to become my master. And I was feeling the effects. As I reached the bottom of the cake pan, I knew I’d also reached the end of my rope.
This world tells us to feast and go hog wild – to eat everything and fill ourselves full. But when we do, we attempt to take over the Father’s job. God longs to fill us with more of Him, not more food.
In the Passion Translation, the Apostle Paul writes to the church at Thessalonica, “Let joy be your continual feast.” I recently pondered those words as I came up for air. Feasting has been a reckless pattern in my life. But this time, Paul’s words hit my heart differently. Paul’s words are wise. He instructs them to let joy be their feast. Not just on special occasions but continually. Joy isn’t circumstantial and can’t be reserved for special occasions. We can only reserve it for our one true love, the Father Himself.
When we try to fill ourselves up on all other types of feasts, we will continually feel empty. Though our stomachs are full, our hearts will be bone dry and empty. Our taste buds may be momentarily satisfied, but our hearts will grow faint.
As you spend time with God, consider what it would look like if you allowed joy to be your continual feast.
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