Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Tyla Yauk.
Today’s scripture is found in Luke 10: 39-40 (ESV), “And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”
The theme for this month’s devotional is busyness, and wow, do we have a huge problem with busyness as a culture. We need to ask ourselves, is this what God intended? I believe not. When He created us in the garden of Eden, He made us so that we could rest, enjoy, and relax in His provision and company. Our busyness distracts us from that.
In today’s scripture, Martha was worried about serving her guests. I can see her scurrying about like I have seen myself, my grandmother, and my mom. Martha is doing all the right things except allowing herself to feel the love and presence of God. What would happen if we, as Mary, sat down at the feet of Jesus and let everything else fall into place?
I am recently divorced and without children. God has allowed me to reevaluate my life and make it more centered on Him. It has become a daily endeavor. What will it look like? I don’t know.
Today, it is writing a devotional and sitting on a quiet couch before starting my day. Tomorrow, it may be conquering giants. My future is unknown, but my goal is to be attuned to the environment around me, exposing worry and busyness and defeating them in a way that I can best receive from the Lord.
A good friend gave me the word “recalibration,” which I think is fitting. How can we recalibrate our lives to resemble more of Mary and less of Martha?
If things have accumulated in your life and taken you away from the Lord, ask Him to help you. And let us know so we can join you in prayer!
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