Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Jul 18, 2024    Angela Gray

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today, Angela Gray shares the freedom found in God’s Word.

“I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments” (Psalms 119:45 NLT).

Have you heard the phrase, “Dead man walking?” It originally described the walk of a prisoner on the way to execution. Judgment was passed, and there was no hope of pardon.

Because Jesus took the punishment for my sin, I am no longer a prisoner without hope. Through his death and resurrection, I have been granted freedom.

Psalm 119 records the Psalmist’s great love for God and his Word. All but a few of the 176 verses contain references to the blessings of trusting and obeying the Word of God.

In 2021, an article was published about a bear named Ina who had spent most of her life trapped in a tiny cage. After 20 years in captivity, she was rescued and taken to a 200-acre sanctuary. No longer a prisoner, she could roam freely throughout her new home. Sadly, Ina still spent most of each day pacing in a small circle the size of her previous cage. In her mind, she was still a captive in the prison of her past.

There have been times that I have been like Ina. I have lived as a “dead man walking,” a prisoner failing to believe God’s Word that says I am free from the guilt of the past through Christ Jesus.

In Psalm 119:45, the original meaning of the word “freedom” refers to an open gate and a large place, and “devotion” means to tread or walk over repeatedly. True freedom comes from living every day, reading, trusting, and obeying the truth of God’s Word. As believers, we don’t have to listen to the enemy's accusations or live under the condemnation of the past.

If you find yourself stuck behind a wall of defeat, you, too, can walk through the open gate of God’s promises and live in the blessing of freedom that comes from trusting and obeying God’s Word.

Have you allowed anything to keep you from walking in God’s promise of freedom?

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