Freely Speaking Devotion
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV).
I sat on the old Sunday school couch in our youth room as Mr. Boaz gave our morning lesson. That particular Sunday, he spoke about creating habits. He said, “It only takes twenty-one days to create a habit. That’s just three weeks.”
I began to make a mental list of the habits I wanted to start: wash my face before bed, read my Bible daily, and make my bed each morning. Monday, I set off with great intentions of reaching my goals and creating new habits. By Tuesday, I realized I’d forgotten to wash my face the night before; my twenty-one days would need to start again.
With the start of this new year, I feel excited by the fresh flip of the calendar. It offers a clean slate for me to try again. I recently considered some goals and resolutions for 2024. Being a lover of words, I decided to glance at Merriam-Webster's definition of resolution: the act of answering: solving. We make resolutions when we recognize an area that needs attention, perhaps even a solution.
Creating good habits or living a disciplined life isn’t always my strong suit. But as I thought more about the word resolution, I realized it is Jesus’ strong suit. He is the only resolution I need. I usually make New Year’s resolutions, fully intending to accomplish them on my own. I don’t think I’ve considered inviting the Holy Spirit to join me. And because I work from my own strength, I find myself distracted, miss a day, and feel the overwhelming need to start again. I have an all-or-nothing mentality.
But every so often, I think back to Mr. Boaz. I’m not sure what scripture he referenced that Sunday morning, but I feel the words of Paul to his friend Timothy are appropriate. Timothy came from a long line of believers and had the privilege of carrying the torch to the next generation. Timothy had a choice. He could shrink back in fear because the task felt too large or jump at the opportunity to fan into flame the gifts he'd been given.
Like Timothy, I want to fan into flame the power, love, and self-discipline the Spirit has given me this year.
What about you? What disciplines can you create this year to help you fan into your God-given gifts and talents for 2024?