Freely Speaking Audio Devotions
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Jessica Gerth.
"Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you" (Colossians 3:13 NIV).
I jumped into my car, immediately frustrated when the light signaled an empty tank. Why does he always forget to fill it with gas after he borrows it? He never considers how his actions will derail my day.
I wish I could tell you that I didn't send an angry text to my husband that morning, but even after almost nineteen years of marriage, it's still easy to convince myself that my hurt feelings are justified.
Relationships are hard. Old wounds, new offenses, and unmet expectations can often feel like deliberate personal attacks. And before I know it, I've allowed irritation to take root.
Fortunately, God doesn't divvy out grace and forgiveness based on what I deserve. Forbearance is the loving act of preemptive forgiveness. Just as the Father chose to forgive us in advance for our failures (knowing there would be many), we are called to exercise this spiritual quality with those in our lives.
Sending a bitter text to my husband to point out how he had "wronged me" did not bless or enhance my relationship. I wish I understood why we think holding on to anger, hurt, or resentment will benefit us, but it doesn't.
Forbearance and choosing not to be offended or easily angered is like a shield that keeps the hurt from embedding so that we can model the Father's patience and grace.
"Bearing with one another" comes when we practice humility and accept that people aren't perfect. I want to reflect the compassion of Christ in my marriage and all of my relationships. That way, there won't be room for pride, envy, frustration, or hurt feelings.
Forbearance is a gift. It reminds our hearts to believe the best in people. Let's share graciousness as generously as God shares His grace with us.
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