Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Feb 4, 2025    Liz'a Biswell

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation. 


Today’s devotion was written by Liz’a Biswell.


Let’s begin with today’s scripture from 1 John Chapter 3, Verses 16 and 18.


"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up His life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions" (1 John 3:16, 18 NLT).


Real friendships show real love through action and sacrifice. By doing this, we reflect the love we receive from God. Love like this is never forgotten and often changes those touched by it.


Seven years ago, I suffered a miscarriage, which nearly cost me my life. I hadn't been walking with Jesus for long and was struggling with my faith. I was angry with God. How could He let this happen? 


I was unpleasant and quickly learned who my real friends were. I could not have gotten through that awful time without them. They mourned with me, encouraged me to care for myself, and helped me endure when I felt like giving up. Through their acts of real love, I was encouraged, strengthened, and changed.


Jesus demonstrated real love through His life, teachings, and sacrifice for our redemption. Biblical love is not merely an emotion or feeling; it's a choice to be selfless—a call to action when needed, giving everything for nothing in return. 


The love we receive from God is reflected when friends give to each other selflessly. Love like this is never forgotten and often changes those touched by it.


I am still seeing God use this painful time in my life to bring His love into the world. He can equip you to help others, even your most painful experiences.


I hope my story inspires you to be a good friend to someone in your life. Let's ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen our friendships by showing love for each other through our actions, not just our words.  


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