Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

May 6, 2024    Darla Czeropski

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today, Darla Czeropski shares her thoughts on how loving God with all your heart and following Him brings joy.


Our first scripture is found in Mark 12:30 NIV:


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”


The second is from Luke 15:7 NIV:


“In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away.”


The tax collectors, prostitutes, and lower-class outcasts stood in the shadows, barely in earshot of Jesus. What rabbi would suggest that a repentant sinner would receive more praise in heaven than a seasoned Jewish follower of God? Would they, too, be included?


Jesus lived on earth with a joyful, expectant heart toward all who followed Him, especially those who felt inadequate and shamed. His love was not reserved for the righteous but extended to all. People from everywhere gathered near to share a meal and experience something they longed for but couldn’t quite explain.


So, how did Jesus hold their interest? He knew how to tell a parable that would draw them closer, eager to hear more. But He knew words and food weren’t enough to pierce the heart. He longed for His followers to understand how much He loved them, so He did what He did best: He shared a story.


In the Book of Luke, Jesus talks about a lamb that wanders from the others. The shepherd is willing to search throughout the wilderness. When he hears the bleating, his heart leaps joyfully! The lost one is found! He doesn’t keep the joy to himself but celebrates with his friends and neighbors.


Driving a point home, Jesus went beyond the life-related story to the supernatural. He declared there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than the righteous. Wow!


This scripture may be challenging to grasp unless you have participated in seeing someone accept Jesus as their Savior. My feelings swelled like a symphony reaching its crescendo, undoubtedly the most jubilant moment I have ever experienced. I couldn’t wait to tell someone! 


So, what does “more joy” in heaven look, sound, and feel like? We can’t know some things until we see Jesus' face. But if it’s more than what we experience here on earth by sharing the gospel, I’m in!


Have you longed to share the Gospel with someone but are unsure what steps to take? Let’s look to Jesus as an example: `


1.         Sit and share a meal; tell your story of Jesus finding and carrying you to freedom.

2.         Ask your friend if they have a relationship with Jesus and want to know more.

3.         Share Jesus’ story (the Good News of the Gospel): Jesus died on the cross, rose from the dead, and is now preparing a place for us in heaven.

4.         Be patient and love the person through the process, understanding they won’t come to God unless the Holy Spirit draws them. God calls people to repentance in His time and place.


Let’s pray that the Lord gives you the opportunity to share His story. If you are searching for God, please get in touch with us today and email so we can share the authentic joy only Jesus can offer you through a relationship with Him.


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