Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Tyla Yauk.
Our scripture reading is from Lamentations 1:9 (NLT), “’She defiled herself with immorality and gave no thought to her future. Now she lies in the gutter with no one to lift her out. “Lord, see my misery” she cries. “The enemy has triumphed.”’
“Lord, give me a testimony,” I remember thinking as a young girl. To me, my testimony was so boring. I grew up in church, was saved in my bedroom at nine years old, and walked with the Lord most of my life. How could God use a testimony like mine?
If only I had enjoyed that walk and not strayed, maybe my testimony would still be boring. But like the “she” in our reference verse (which refers to Jerusalem), I fell off the straight and narrow path. I followed sinful behaviors and decisions and gave no thought to my future.
Now, as a 40-year-old woman, married and divorced twice, with no family of my own, I read this scripture and lament. How true it is…that the enemy has triumphed, but, as we all know, the Lord likes to act.
My story isn’t over. Like a roaring lion charging in, God has taken hold of my life and has lifted me out of the gutter. He has wiped me off and is making me new. He never took His eyes off His loving daughter as she made her mistakes and waited patiently as she returned to Him. How great He is.
On my journey back to Him, He fed me the manna I needed and placed people and opportunities in my path that have made me strong. I am overwhelmed by His compassion. He has created a warrior inside me, and I will use my skills to help others.
I will encourage young ladies to seek God’s best in their romantic relationships, to show them they are worthy, and to give hope to women in trauma and abuse.
Our testimonies have great power. Consider how God has cultivated your story and how you can use it to bless other people’s lives.
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