Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Sharee Gaiser shares her thoughts on grief, and loving God with all your soul.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30 NIV
Has anyone ever suggested, “You are blowing things out of proportion,” or you are getting upset for no reason?
I’m notorious for making mountains out of molehills, leaving me with grief that impacts me in unimaginable ways. When I experience sadness or despair, even if not catastrophic, I can feel like I am in the middle of a crisis. Tears run while my mind races, and I am consumed with worry day and night. It’s like the rug has been pulled out from underneath my feet! Struggling to function, God feels far away, and my soul yearns for His comfort.
Loss, disappointment, and grief impact us all. The degree to which they do so depends on a few things, one of which is the health of our soul. In the Bible, the soul is defined as the inner self, the place that expresses our God-given identity and character. In difficult times, our capacity to trust God, and even those we might look to for support, will determine how well we manage our feelings and process grief.
In his book Soul Care: 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul, Dr Rob Reimer shares, “There are few things that mature us as much as a trusting response to a redeeming God in a time of suffering.”
So, what might a trusting response to a redeeming God look like when grief overwhelms your soul? While we might easily be pulled toward temporary comforts, we are wise to draw close to the God of all comfort and share our hurting souls with Him.
In Psalm 88, we read the contemplation of Heman the Ezrahite. This may well be the saddest Psalm I have ever read! Overwhelmed and lacking strength, even Heman’s eyes are dim with grief. His desperate prayer would leave anyone shaking their head. In Charles Spurgeon’s commentary on this Psalm, he recognizes that “Heman makes a map of his life’s history; he puts down all the dark places through which he has traveled. He mentions his sins, his sorrows, his hopes…, his fears, his woes, and so on. Now, that is real prayer, laying your case before the Lord.”
Friend, you can learn much from Heman’s example of trust in a redeeming God. Heman is not ashamed of his situation or embarrassed about the depth of his emotion. He draws near to God, confident that God will hear and respond to his prayer!
Like Heman, you can remember:
· God is your salvation.
· He will lean in to hear and answer your honest and desperate prayers.
· You can cling to the hope of His grace and goodness.
· The God you love with all your soul is in the business of using your painful seasons for good.
When you need it most, sorrow and pain will bring you into deeper trust, love, and relationship with God. If grief floods your soul and you begin to lose hope, God is always active and working to bring the comfort only He can. Trust that He will faithfully, and for all eternity, redeem your pain for good!
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