Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Apr 2, 2024    Debbie Hamilton

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts

and trust God for transformation.

Today’s devotion was written by Debbie Hamilton. Our scripture reading is from Joshua 1:9 NLT.

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the

Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 NLT).

It was my dream job until it quickly became a nightmare. After working for the same company for 14 years, I applied for a new position. My husband was transferred to another town, and I needed a job. The new job was a lesser position, but that was okay with me.

One day, the company hired a new Chief of Administration, a woman who walked by my desk daily as she came to work. I always greeted her, and one night, I dreamed I would be her assistant.

Fast forward a couple of months and my dream came true! She offered me the position of executive assistant, with a hefty pay raise included! I was over the moon, excited, and a bit frightened. My daily devotional centered around Joshua 1:9. I knew this new job must be God’s plan for me.

“This woman was an absolute nightmare to work for! How could this be LORD? I know you've put me here, and your hand of blessing is on me, but this is hard.” I came home in tears for many days. She seemed to discount my knowledge since I was not yet a college graduate. She would repeatedly embarrass me in front of others. But deep inside, I felt God wanted me there. I showed her kindness and grace even when I received none in return. I worked as if working for the Lord and received recognition from other offices

we worked with. Courage, I had Joshua's courage.

Then, one day, she was dismissed from her duties, and the Chief Executive Officer kept me on staff. God was with me and used this challenging journey to build a new path. Now, I worked with the kindest man as my new boss! I am so glad I held fast to the promise God gave me initially.

Have you ever had a time when digging deep into God got you through a difficult


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