Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
“In keeping with your magnificent, unfailing love, please pardon the sins of this people, just as you have forgiven them ever since they left Egypt” (Numbers 14:19 NLT).
People can be, well, so “people-y.” Not one of us walks through life without being “peopled.” People let us down. They say hurtful things. They leave us. They misuse us. They betray us. They leave us an empty shell of who we thought we were.
I find it difficult to lead and meet the needs of my household of people. Moses was charged with leading millions of hurting, abused people through a wilderness toward a promised land. Moses was “peopled” again and again. The people griped. They complained. They turned against him and God. They were rebellious. They broke laws. They were ungrateful and needy. They wore Moses out. When the people are threatening to stone (kill) Moses and Aaron, in verses 12-13 of this same chapter, God announces He will wipe out every one of the Israelites Moses is leading to start a new nation from Moses. If I were Moses, I could imagine cheering, “Yes! They have been nothing but trouble from day one!” And although that is a fair statement, Moses intercedes for them instead, begging God to be merciful.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you and I will be “peopled” repeatedly. I pray that we will be like Moses. It may feel good to cheer for their punishment. But God wants us to pray for them instead. You may not see them change as a result of your prayers. Pray anyway. Pray that God will be merciful to them. Pray that He will forgive them. Pray that He will show them His love. As you pray, you will see a change in your own heart.
I, too, am guilty of “people-ing” others. When I do, I need God’s mercy and forgiveness, just as those who hurt me do. I have not done anything to deserve grace any more than they have. I am challenging you to love God enough to pray for them, not for God to “get” them, but truly for them. Who should you pray for today?