Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Aug 22, 2024    Kelsey Wickenhauser

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today’s devotion was written by Kelsey Wickenhauser.


Our scripture for today is found in John 6:35 (ESV), “Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."


I was eight years old, and I adored my high-school-aged cousin. When she invited me into her room to learn about makeup, you better believe I was there without hesitation.


With wide eyes, I looked through her make-up drawer and fingered through the sparkly palettes of eyeshadow. I wanted to cover my face in every bright pink shade to look just as marvelous as my cousin's. She patiently applied the make-up, and I could not WAIT to look in the mirror and look just like the pop stars on TV.


She flipped the mirror over, and I stared, then frowned quizzically. She smiled back and noticed my confusion. Then she said, “Less is more, Kelsey.” I expected bright, flashy colors, yet she brought out the natural beauty of a sweet 8-year-old girl with very little makeup.


This was my first lesson on simplicity. I didn’t understand then what I know now, but I remember that first lesson helping me to realize that most of the time in life, less IS truly more.


We have a culture that thrives on MORE—more stuff, more activities, more food, and more time away from home.


I have lived that life, reaching for what the world offered when my heart craved the simple connection with the Father.


Busyness can be worn as a badge of honor. Complicated, stressed-out lives can be accepted as normal.


But just as the scripture above states, when we turn our lives over to Jesus, we find out that our lens for life changes. The things of this world become dim, and our desire to achieve and do more is replaced with resting in the sweet relationship with the one who created us.


Prayerfully consider how God is asking you to simplify your busyness so he can draw out your natural beauty in ways only He can.


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