Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Angela Gray reminds us to take time to rest.
“Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:3 NKJV).
In six days, our glorious Creator made heaven and earth and everything in it. Everything.
With His unfathomable knowledge, He could’ve continued creating more. But He chose to finish His work after six days. God created and gifted His creation; what more could anyone need?
Well, my friend, He knew that you and I, with our busy schedules and harried lives, would need one more thing. One thing many of us find challenging to obtain is the blessing declared and set apart by our Heavenly Father for His children.
Today’s scripture reveals this precious gift from the Creator to His creation in these beautiful words, “He rested.”
The Hebrew word for ‘rested’ is Shabbat, from which we get the word Sabbath. In Exodus 16, you can read how God first commanded His people, Israel, to keep the Sabbath. Unfortunately, Israel only heard the rule to rest and didn’t recognize the gift.
Rest. Have you ever tried to get a cranky toddler with eyes at half-mast to lie down and rest? They don’t understand what they are refusing is what they need most. As parents, we know our child must have that much-needed rest to make it through the day. So, we make a place and set a time for those daily naps. Why? Not because it’s just our rule, but more importantly, because we love our children and know they need rest.
From the beginning, our Heavenly Father knew His children needed time to rest, so He graciously provided it.
Even on our busiest days, we can set aside moments to rest in the Lord. But how, when there isn’t a minute to spare? Just breathe. Breathing is a non-negotiable part of every day. And remember, take a deep breath. The gift of Life. Take another breath; that’s His goodness. Now, one more, there’s His strength.
Friends, let’s rest in His love today and enjoy the life it brings.
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