Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Darla Czeropski shares the importance of standing firm in our faith.
Our scripture is from Mark 12:30 (NIV): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
Our second scripture is from Galatians 5:1 TPT: “Finally, we have been liberated, for Christ has set us free! This truth is a precious gift that we must hold onto, steadfastly refusing to return to the chains of our past.”
The first word leapt from the page as I read the focus scripture, carrying a wave of emotion. I could almost see Paul, tears streaming down his face, as he penned this letter. His chest rising and falling with each breath, he exhaled the word “finally” or, in another translation, “at last.”
You know that feeling. You think everything in your life is going okay, and then suddenly, everything is turned upside down. Unsure of your future, you pray for God to help you. The wait seems endless as you hold your breath. All seems lost when “at last” God meets your need, and you can exhale, “Finally!”
Paul grew up in a legalistic world that used the Law to control and manipulate society. He believed he was living and fulfilling the right side of the Law because he was raised to think this was the way.
But the Lord met him on his journey and turned his seemingly controllable world upside down.
Physically blinded by the presence of the Lord, Paul soon realized he had little control over his future.
God had a plan and supernaturally opened Paul’s eyes and heart. He now realized that Truth is living and breathing—Jesus Christ.
When we listen to the world, man can manipulate the truth, leaving us disappointed and confused.
What can we do when we long for freedom?
• We can attune our ears to God's voice and allow our hearts to discern His truth.
• We can hold on to Truth (Jesus Christ) as our most precious gift.
• We can study God’s Word to empower us.
• And, we can shout, “At last, Jesus has set me free!” and refuse to believe the lies of this world.
Just as Paul discerned the Truth and was set free, we can stand firm in our faith and trust Jesus to fill us with the freedom only He can give.
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