Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Angela Vandagriff shares her thoughts about the blessing of remembering others in prayer.
I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers (Philemon 1:4 ESV).
November is when I write my thankful list. The smell of crisp morning air greets me as I open the door and step onto my porch. I close my eyes, inhaling as much of the wonderful fall fragrance as my lungs can hold. I stand there breathing in the delights of autumn and dwell on the many things I am grateful for.
Usually, in my quiet time, I feel my circumstances consume me. I focus on the next devastating event happening in my life, leaving me unable to pray for anything but my situation. Have you ever been in such a broken place that you could not think about anyone else? Of course, you have, and I can guess how broken you have been. But today was different.
God had a plan for me that I could not yet see unfolding. As I write this in the middle of yet another hard situation, my focus isn't on myself but on the women God has placed in my life.
In the key scripture, Paul told Philemon that he would thank God for him every time he thought about him in prayer (Philemon 1:4, paraphrased).
OHSOFREE Ministries is a true blessing in my life. God knew what He was doing when this ministry crossed my path. I thank God for Darla, the founder, and all the women involved. They have become so dear to me and come to mind daily. Each one is a blessing; their encouraging words and prayers warm my heart. As I pray and recall each woman by name, I smile and thank God for their friendship.
Today, I encourage you to pray for the women God brings to your memory. Send them a message or card, call or visit them, and let them know you thank God for placing them in your life and are covering them in prayer.
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