Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Aug 12, 2024    Sharee Gaiser

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today, Sharee Gaiser explores the benefits of going slow in a world rushed off its feet.

Our scripture is from Mark 12:30 (NIV): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

Eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds—that’s all we have in one day. Not one of us has more or less time than another. Yet, we all seem intent on filling every second with activity.

When we try to cram it all in, we quickly lose sight of what makes life meaningful. There is a big difference between a busy life and a meaningful life. We can look at our full calendars and wear busyness as a badge of honor while our souls are exhausted and empty. We don’t have to be rushed off our feet for life to be of value.

When life becomes too full and busy, the first thing that seems to suffer is our relationship with God. What are we so busy doing that distracts us from connecting with and loving God with all our souls? There must be a different way.

I once watched a movie where a sports coach trained a distance runner. His methods seemed counterintuitive to someone aiming to win a race as fast as possible. He instructed the athlete to steadily build her fitness and speed using the 80/20 running method, whereby 80% of her runs are leisurely and 20% are more intense. This method, though unconventional, was transformative and inspiring.

The 80/20 method spoke to me, and I began to think about what this might look like in my life. Was there a way I could incorporate a more leisurely pace and have less intense moments in my day? Could I find greater opportunities to pause and reset when harried and hurried, giving my soul intentional time to connect with God? That’s when the acronym SLOW came to mind.

Each letter of the word SLOW represents an action we can take to still our body, soul, mind, and spirit, connect us to God, and energise us for the minutes and moments ahead. This is how you can adjust your pace and take things SLOW:

1.    S—Stop, find a quiet space, and sit silently.

2.    L—Listen for God’s voice.

3.    O—Observe God’s presence as His peace fills your soul.

4.    W—Worship God, thanking Him for His wisdom, love, and peace as you commit the rest of your day to Him.

I’ve learned a valuable lesson by slowing down my pace throughout the day. Even Jesus took time during His ministry to slow down, withdrawing from the crowds to spend time with His Father (Luke 4:42, Luke 5:16).

Like Jesus, this practise has brought rest and peace to my soul. Just because everything is crazy around us doesn’t mean everything has to be crazy in us, especially our souls. Today, why not try a different rhythm and take things slow?

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