Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Nov 6, 2024    Jessica Gerth

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today’s devotional is written by Jessica Gerth.                         

Our scripture reference for today is from Romans 11:36 MSG. “Everything comes from him; Everything happens through him; Everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes.”

The second anesthesiologist finally instructed me to lie down. Could it be that I would be awake for the arrival of my baby - after the waiting, countless jabs into my spine, and a lot of prayer?


I heard my doctor say, “It’s a boy!” followed by the most precious cry, and everything in me felt a shift. Years of physical pain and disappointment suddenly made sense with the unexpected arrival of this child. In that moment, all I felt was gratitude.


The verse above has magnified my understanding that Jesus is the source of every blessing. So much uncertainty surrounded the birth of my fourth baby. The years leading up to this impossible pregnancy took a toll on my body, but finally, I understood why God had allowed such suffering in my life. Sometimes, He walks us through hard seasons to prepare us for what’s coming and to increase our trust in Him.


If my prayers had been answered when I asked Him to take away the pain, the damage to my discs and spinal cord wouldn’t have been discovered. My neurosurgeon explained that, among other things, I would have lost the ability to walk. God allowed the pain for my benefit.


But from Him comes miracles, and through Him comes healing. I never expected to be blessed with another baby, but this was no surprise to God. Despite the minimal chance of my being awake for the delivery due to my spinal fusion, everything is possible in Him. He loves us enough to do the unexpected.


God often develops us slowly, sometimes with seasons of waiting or uncertainty. But even then, we can be grateful for His unwavering presence and that He is preparing a future for us beyond anything we could plan.


Give thanks to the Lord for the everyday gifts and the unexpected miracles in your life.

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