Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Darla Czeropski shares encouragement for when our hearts experience shame.
Our first scripture is from Mark 12:30 (NIV): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame” (Romans 10:11 ESV).
Shame. If you’re breathing, you’ve experienced it. And if you’ve experienced it, you may find it hard to breathe sometimes.
I felt my insides ready to explode. I knew I was guilty of my choices but had left my heart unguarded.
Oh, I understood that Jesus forgave me, but how could He transform me when I couldn’t forgive myself?
The definition of shame is a painful feeling of humiliation caused by your mind realizing a wrong or foolish behavior.
When we believe we aren’t good enough, shame attaches to us. It infiltrates the most vulnerable part of our being—our heart. When our heart is submerged in shame, all our feelings are affected. We lose our joy and may even lose hope, but remember:
God doesn’t shame you. He loves you out of the shame.
In Romans, the Apostle Paul makes an important statement to encourage “everyone” who feels shame. Regardless of our past mistakes, Jesus doesn’t see us through the lens of shame. So why should we see ourselves in this way?
Here are some tips that can be implemented to help move out of the curse of shame:
1. We must believe the Truth and power in God’s scriptures.
2. We must learn what God’s version of us looks like. This is the only version that matters.
3. When we speak the scriptures out loud, we are hearers of His Word. This builds us up in His love.
4. We must make a definite and final decision to accept a life with Jesus.
5. Repeat this until you feel the peace of God.
Sometimes, we need extra support for accountability. Reaching out to a trusted friend or counselor may help you heal from your struggle.
Remember, Jesus doesn’t shame us. He died so we can live free of shame.
Pause and reflect on how Jesus loves you beyond your faults. He longs for your heart to be free to connect entirely to Him. Let the transformation process begin!
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