Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Sep 5, 2024    Sharon Gomez

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Sharon Gomez highlights the value of seeing and trusting God’s perspective in life.

Our scripture is from Proverbs 3:5 NIV: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Please help me understand.

This phrase struck me as I listened to our Marriage and Family Pastor speak to our Singles Group about three years ago. Since then, I have learned how important it is to see my circumstances from a different perspective—God’s perspective. 

Sometimes, we think we know the best way to respond in different situations, but our understanding can be a product of our past or current influences. Our responses can be “knee-jerk” reactions, sometimes leading to regretful outcomes. Looking at situations from a Godly perspective takes intentional thinking and a check of our emotions. 

I didn’t grow up in the church, and although I have always been a believer, I didn’t understand my relationship with Jesus until five years ago. It took a second unwanted divorce to bring my world down around me before seeking a different way to live and learn.

Before I understood Jesus’ teachings, I thought I had to have all the answers. I went through life filled with good intentions and let my heart lead the way. But this wasn’t the way to navigate the twists and turns of this beautiful, broken world. I disappointed people, and people disappointed me.

Today’s scripture was a powerful part of my healing journey. To lean not on our understanding means to look at circumstances from a different perspective.  We can understand God’s perspective by knowing His character, embracing our identity through Him, and receiving the grace given to us by His son, Jesus.

Viewing the world as Jesus does isn’t easy. Thankfully, He doesn’t want us to pursue perfection; He wants us to pursue Him. When we are tempted to control our situations or fail because we tried to do something our way, we need to recall the words “lean not on my understanding,” and our hearts and minds will shift!

Take time to pray and ask God to help you navigate a situation you need to view through God’s understanding instead of your own.

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