Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Oct 14, 2024    Sharee Gaiser

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today, Sharee Gaiser shares her favorite scripture about the blessing of remembering the righteous.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30 NIV).

“The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.” (Proverbs 10:7 ESV)


I recently attended a memorial service for a woman known to our family. As I listened to the many heartfelt reflections shared, I was struck by the words used to describe this dear lady’s character as her influence and Christian example were recounted. Despite the sadness at her passing, joy was tangible in how she was remembered.


Afterwards, I pondered how I might be remembered when my time on earth was done. Have you ever wondered what words people might use to describe you and how you lived your life?


Like me, I am sure you desire to be thought of in the best possible light and recognized for having a good reputation or exemplary character. A good reputation isn’t necessarily an end but a life-long natural outcome of being the person God created you to be.


In Proverbs 10:7, Solomon contrasts the life and destiny of those who fear and follow the LORD with how the wicked will be remembered.


Firstly, Solomon speaks of the righteous. In the New Testament, righteousness comes from the Greek word dikaiosunē, which means “justice” or “right standing with God.” This is the Gospel's Good News; we have been made right with God through Jesus’s death on the cross! Try as we might, we can do nothing to make ourselves right before God. By grace, Jesus redeemed us from sin and wickedness, restoring us to a right relationship with God.


Consider those described as righteous in the Bible: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Zacharias and Elizabeth, to name a few. They were by no means perfect, yet their lives testified to God’s goodness, inspiring and encouraging others in faith even to this day. Any righteousness others see in us is God’s character on display through us. Those made right with God through salvation and living according to His Word will always be an example and encouragement to others, enriching lives and bringing blessings.


Secondly, the reputation or name of the wicked will not last. It will rot and stink like rubbish. It's not a nice visual image at all! If the wicked are ever remembered, no blessing will be found in their memory.


May we always be remembered for Christ’s work of righteousness in us, for what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. When remembered for these qualities, it speaks of the blessing we bring to the lives of others through the life we have in Christ.


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