Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Debbie Hamilton.
Our scripture reading is from John 4:28-29 (NLT), “The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, ‘“Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could He possibly be the Messiah?”’.
It was a summer evening. The air was humid, and my heart was heavy with hopelessness.
My Mom had invited us to a revival service at a tiny Freewill Baptist church, so we decided to go. I listened to the pastor closely; each word he spoke penetrated my heart. I needed a Savior.
I needed to feel love. I needed Jesus in my life.
Finally, I could not sit there any longer! The invitation was given, and I found myself kneeling at an altar, praying for God to help me, and He did.
I left that little church feeling as if I was walking on air! The burdens were lifted, and I finally felt as if there was hope for me, my husband, and our baby girl.
Recently, while watching “The Chosen,” I noticed another person who got her heart filled with Jesus. Remember the woman at the well?
Jesus told her who He was. He offered her living water after telling her all she had ever done and that He was the Messiah. A woman, a Samaritan, an outcast. She came to the well carrying her burden, but after she realized who was talking to her, she was so excited she left her water jars and ran back to tell everyone about Jesus.
Notice in the scripture above that she left her water jars behind—those heavy, burdensome, empty water jugs!
She was now filled with living water! I could relate. As I poured out my heart to God, my burdens were dropped, and Jesus assured my heart that I was seen and loved.
Can you relate to my salvation testimony? Consider your salvation story, the day you asked Jesus into your heart. Try to put it into words so you can share it with others.
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