Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Jessica Gerth.
Our scripture reading is from James 4:14 NLT, “How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”
My morning starts at the coffee pot, where I pour my first cup, and my mind circles. Check the calendar, check on four sleeping children, and then begin the predictable daily checklist of tasks. Busying myself to quiet the endless worry.
I make my bed in hotel rooms and sweep my floors three times daily. Countless hours are spent checking, straightening, and worrying over things that appear irrational to others. My anxiety manifests itself as obsessive-compulsive disorder, and my busy tendencies are how I cope, yet the relief is fleeting—chasing after a state of peace that never comes.
James' chapter four initially appeared as a warning against excessive focus on work, finances, and gaining success. The key scripture didn’t seem to apply to me, and I questioned why God had led me to it. I didn’t need the reminder of how quickly time passes – I wish for time to slow down every day!
However, the Lord interrupted my thoughts as I hurried through my morning routine. Feeling more anxious than usual led to the familiar cycle of busying myself to self-soothe. I felt God questioning why I didn’t trust Him to care for me. How prideful I had been!
My whole life, I have felt responsible for things beyond my control, which drives my impulsive habits. Living with OCD isn’t entirely something I can help, but I can choose to turn to God when fear and anxiety arise.
Busyness isn’t all bad - our work, families, churches, and many other commitments are vital, but we still can’t allow those things to distract us from time spent with God. Hurrying through our days will never provide the peace we find when we slow down and seek Him.
If given more hours in the day, consider how you would spend them. Ask yourself if busyness reflects a lack of trust in God to fulfill your needs.
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