Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Susan Hales shares how to find freedom and satisfaction by accepting and loving Jesus.
Our scripture is from Mark 12:30 (NIV): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
What is your favorite comfort food? If you are feeling rejected, depressed, lonely, or anxious, do you reach for your favorite sweet treat or maybe an unhealthy food your mom used to make for you? (Mine is macaroni and cheese.)
Food is not our only craving. We crave comfort from so many things, such as money, alcohol, drugs, constant busyness, overwork, binge-watching TV, gambling, shopping, relationships, and possessions.
These things we crave comfort from are counterfeit. The definition of counterfeit is “an imitation to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine.” Satan passes off these counterfeits as the real deal. They might last for a short time but cannot bring us true peace and satisfaction in the long run.
After Jesus fed the 5,000 with a boy’s five small barley loaves and two small fish, the people followed Jesus across the Sea of Galilee, hoping to get more free food and witness more miracles (John 6:1-14).
Jesus told them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” (John 6:35 ESV).
Bread symbolizes food as a necessity of life. Only Jesus meets our physical and spiritual needs and allows us to find freedom from cravings. Whatever else we crave to find comfort, it is never enough. We only find eternal satisfaction and security in Jesus, the Bread of Life.
I sought comfort and self-esteem from my job, possessions, achievements, and, most of all, relationships with men. But nothing ever satisfied me. I imagined the next relationship would make me feel whole, cherished, and loved. When it didn’t, I turned to food and alcohol for comfort. And that didn’t work either.
Instead of depending on counterfeit comforts from Satan to find freedom from cravings, choose genuine comfort, peace, and satisfaction by accepting and loving Jesus.
Do you want to know more about how much Jesus loves you? Let us know, and we will connect you with resources to help you.
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