Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Apr 9, 2024    Shandyn Paul

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Shandyn Paul writes today’s devotion, and the focus scripture is found in Psalm 27:10 (NLT). “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.”

Many weekends came and went, along with countless broken promises. He said he would be there, but he wasn't. He said he cared, but I sure couldn't feel it.

Growing up, disappointment never seemed far away in my relationship with my father.

His lack of commitment and empty promises left me guarded and afraid. I worried others would fail me, just as my father had many times before. Sadly, I wasn't wrong. Sure, I have my share of support, but I've also had failed relationships. Continually let down, I struggle to lower my guard so others could know me. Simply put, I have trust issues. The wounds my father left not only affected my relationship with others but impacted my ability to trust God, too.

The words from David in Psalm 27 comforted me as a child, and they continue to soothe my weary soul on days when I'm left disappointed by others. I know my relationships will have complications and setbacks along the way. It can be heartbreaking and confusing. However, I have learned there is one relationship on which I can stand firm: that of my Heavenly Father.

In places where my earthly father left me broken and bruised, my Heavenly Father gently restored and redeemed me. When I've felt alone and abandoned, He has held me close, reminding me of His promise never to leave or forsake me. People will fail and disappoint, but my Heavenly Father never will. Failure and disappointment cannot be found in God’s character. I will never be met with letdowns or empty promises when I turn to Him with my needs and expectations. God’s Word is always good and true, and His character never changes.

Today, ask God if there is a difficult relationship you need to entrust to Him. How can trust in your Heavenly Father soothe the pain of failed relationships?

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