Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Angela Vandagriff shares her favorite scripture from Psalms 51:1 KJV:
“Have mercy upon me, Oh God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitudes of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.”
Closing my eyes with a long sigh, exhaling regret, I mentally composed a letter to my younger self that contained truth. She longed for the truth and would have cherished honesty and wisdom if only someone had spoken that truth over her.
As a young Christian, I had a limited understanding of God’s mercy and love. I existed in a relentless cycle of guilt and shame. What I gleaned from the elders in my church, all well intended, was only tares or weeds that resemble wheat.
Author Dr. David Jeremiah wrote, “Two natures beat within your chest; one is fowl, and one is blessed. The one you love, the one you hate, and the one you feed will dominate.” I was spiritually starving. Ashamed of feeding the fowl nature within me, I struggled, not understanding that I would constantly battle those two natures.
God eased my grappling with my sin and shame. He strengthened my soul and lifted my head. I found victory when I found today's scripture. I cannot begin to fathom His infinite mercy, love, and grace. Not only does He forgive, but His words tell me He blots out my transgressions.
My younger self, unable to comprehend the constant battle that raged between good and evil, needed to know the multitude of God’s mercy. I needed to know that God would not abandon me on my battleground of sin.
I can't go back and make life easier for that scared, misguided girl, but I can go forward. I can pass this wisdom forward. I can tell those scared and ashamed younger girls, either in age or young in Christ, to acknowledge daily the sins that are ever before you and allow God to cleanse them from their sins (Psalms 51:2, 3 KJV).
His mercy and compassion of forgiveness are never-ending. Ask Jesus to help us go forward and be willing to pass along wisdom and truth to the next generation.
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