Freely Speaking Devotion

Jan 10, 2024    Sarah Goff

"I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return" Philippians 1:9-10 (NLT).

The beloved apostle Paul was sensitive to the needs of others; he had affection for people and a servant's heart. He urged the Corinthians to rejoice and strive for restoration, encouraging them to comfort each other in like-minded unity. Could you imagine sitting with the Apostle Paul? I can feel the love of this man as I read his words of deep affection and support for the believers, as well as his enduring devotion to God.

In growing closer to God daily, I want my love to overflow. I desire to make God proud of me. How I live my life matters, and being involved with like-minded individuals through church, Bible study, and OHSOFREE Ministries helps me focus on what counts: my relationship with Christ. It is a wonderful feeling to have these outlets that offer encouragement and to be a source of encouragement to others. I want to have a state of mind that sees God in everything.

The more we look for ways to share Christ, the more we will find them. So watch for opportunities to raise the spirit of others and let the word of God fill you with His love.

Moving forward, my goals are to keep up with my card ministry and actively participate in all avenues of spiritual growth God provides. One of our own, Sharee Gaiser, recently shared a quick guide on Daily Examen that highlights five key aspects: Stillness, Gratitude, Reflection, Prayer, and Hope. I transcribed this information onto cards for easy daily access.

What are some things you do on your spiritual path to keep growing in knowledge and understanding in preparation for Christ's return?