Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today’s devotion was written by Andi Benson.
Our scripture reading is from Psalm 66: 16-18 (ESV), “Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for my soul. I cried to Him with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue.”
The word testimony to me is not just my salvation story. It is also the story of my life journey and how God walked with me through each part. The moment my relationship with Christ began and every moment that followed tells a beautiful story of how He has loved and worked in me.
My faith story began when I was seven, when I felt God calling my heart to surrender to Him. That decision started a strong foundation of deep faith that has never left me. Growing up, I was blessed to be surrounded by a large, God-centered family. Their faith and investment in my life guided me to trust the Lord in all things.
I have seen many blessings in my life, but struggles have also come along the way. Over the years, I have endured sickness, hurt, and tragedy. The pain of divorce, the diagnosis and continued issues of autoimmune disease, as well as the loss of a spouse have each played a role in my story. Each tested my faith, and although it was difficult,
I chose to trust God completely. I could lay my troubles at His feet, pray for his comfort and peace, and praise Him through all of it.
Each time I did, God faithfully walked with me. He brought restoration to my broken family and new beginnings that are full of His grace and love. He has given me strength to endure the difficult days of sickness. He has used my grief story to reach others in a way I could not have done alone.
My testimony, which began as a small girl, is still being written in me today. Every season of life becomes a new opportunity to reflect Jesus and His faithfulness.
Take time today to reflect on your testimony and see how each part tells of all God has done.
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