Freely Speaking Audio Devotion
Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.
Today, Shandyn Paul encourages us to surrender our schedules and plans to God.
“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand” (Psalm 37:23-24 NIV).
The opposite of busy is not idle ─ I don’t care what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says. I do think somewhere along the way, we became confused about busyness.
We may see busyness as success. If we aren’t busy, we must be lazy. If we aren’t ‘doing,’ we can’t be producing. If we aren’t moving, we must be idle.
But what if slowing down looked less like idleness and more like worship? What if we allowed time and space in our day to hear from the Lord and allow Him to direct our steps?
As our key verse says, the Lord directs our steps, and His plans will ultimately prevail. What if instead of His plans looking more like course correction, we allowed His plans to be the driving force behind our busyness?
I’ll be the first to admit that my schedule is often full. Birthday parties, going to the gym, meeting up with friends, chauffeuring my children, doctor's appointments—the list goes on. I’m sure you can relate.
Our busy schedules are sometimes necessary, and we soon become comfortable with them. They give us a sense of control and security. I can quickly make my plans and fill my schedule to the brim, but I find that when unexpected things come up, I don’t always handle them well.
When we give God our plans, He can do much more with our time and efforts than we could imagine. Our vision is narrow; His vision is focused. What we see as space to fill, He sees as space to give.
Let’s not trade busyness for idleness; instead, let’s ask God to lead the way and determine our steps. Take time to involve God in your plans and see where He calls you this season.
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