Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Sep 17, 2024    Shayla Bullock

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.


Today’s devotion was written by Shayla Bullock.


Our scripture reading is from Psalm 103:3 (NIV),“who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases”.


Have you ever received bad news? The type that stops you in your tracks! What if these moments allow us to see the truth of His Word? I’ve experienced this firsthand, and I know the truth of Psalm 103:3.

Five years ago, I took my daughter for her two-year-old physical. This routine doctor’s appointment took a strange turn and left us confused. Her bloodwork revealed she was anemic. No big deal, I thought; it was a minor ailment that could easily be treated with iron supplements. However, the doctor explained that this anemia was puzzling; iron wasn’t the issue. We needed to see a hematologist immediately.


We found ourselves at our local children’s hospital a few days later. I was confident they would know how to treat this unusual anemia. I was wrong; the hematologist was perplexed! We were dealing with something concerning. They repeated bloodwork and took X-rays (looking for masses) but still found no clear cause for the anemia. Her numbers kept getting worse.

Finally, her anemia was so severe that a bone marrow aspiration was needed to gain more clarity. However, she was too anemic to perform such an operation. She needed a blood transfusion!

We were informed of all the potential diseases we might be facing. But before we could even worry about what was next, we had to deal with the urgent reality that she needed this transfusion the following day.


We prayed, along with our family, friends, and church community. We went in the next morning, and the doctor decided to check her blood count before she received the transfusion. Something miraculous had happened; her numbers had significantly increased! The blood transfusion wasn’t needed.

We went in for rechecks, and soon, her levels were normal! We don’t know what ailment she was dealing with, but we know our God healed. She’s now seven years old and fully healthy. I can proclaim, “He is the God who heals all our diseases!


Consider past troubles God has brought you through and what you can proclaim today.


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