Freely Speaking Audio Devotion

Jun 6, 2024    Sharon Gomez

Welcome to Freely Speaking, an OHSOFREE devotional ministry where we share our hearts and trust God for transformation.

Today, Sharon Gomez encourages us to contemplate our calling prayerfully.

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few’” (Matthew 9:37 NIV).

Tonight was Bible study. I hate to admit the wave of exhaustion that came over me as I let this reality sink in. It's Tuesday. How am I already exhausted?

I've been serving as a Table Leader for three years, and by around week ten of the year, the enemy begins to plant seeds of disobedience.

In Matthew 9:37, Jesus tells His disciples to ask God for more workers to harvest the field. Bible scholars teach that Jesus references the crowd as the field and His followers as the workers who harvest the field.

Verse 36 in the NIV translation of this verse states that Jesus felt compassion for the crowd because they were harassed and helpless. The CSB translation reads that the crowd was distressed and dejected, while the Message Version describes the crowd as confused and aimless. 

Jesus tells His disciples they must tend to the field and pray for more workers because the harvest is plentiful. This subtle calling applies to us today. As believers, we are in the holy position to tend to those who need compassion and guidance. Yet how do we effectively serve others when we feel more like the harvest than one of the workers?

Ephesians 2:10 tells us we were made in advance for His purpose to do good works. There's no need to be afraid of our calling because God gave us unique gifts and the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide and sustain us.

In addition, serving others isn't based on our feelings or circumstances. When I begin Bible study feeling exhausted, the evening spent in community transforms and rejuvenates me.

As we prayerfully contemplate our calling, let's ask God to reveal the areas we are equipped to serve. It could be through community outreach, hospitality, administration, online ministry, or even among our friends and family during times of need. Through prayer, we can align our service with His divine plan.

Today, why not prayerfully consider the gifts and talents you possess and to what areas of your life you could apply these gifts.

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